組合導線輪、過線輪: 線輪的結構是將瓷圈套在軸承外面。當絲、線在瓷圈表面走過時,瓷圈隨絲、線轉動,從而將滑動摩擦轉換成靜摩擦。但在起動及停止時,為克服慣性,會有局部滑動摩擦。 線輪與瓷眼使用時的差別是:瓷眼使用時絲、線與表面是滑動摩擦,使用于絲、線角度變化較小,正壓力較小的,要求不高的場合。線輪使用時以靜摩擦為主(局部滑動摩擦),使用于絲、線角度變化較大,有一定正壓力,要求較高的 場合。近來,隨著加工技術的提高,瓷眼也可用于重要場合,但定貨時需作說明。 瓷圈的表面光潔度達Ra 0.2,轉動時跳動小于0.15,材料選用99%的AL2O3,硬度HRa 88,密度3.85。 線輪又分為過線輪、陶瓷線輪及防跳線器。過線輪的結構是在瓷圈及軸承的兩側配上兩片尼龍側板,也有不加側板直接使用的叫陶瓷線輪。防跳線器的結構是在瓷圈及軸承的兩側配上兩片陶瓷側板,陶瓷側板上帶有反鉤,或滾珠,可防止絲,線跳出瓷圈上方。 applicable for reasonable guiding of various enameled wires and silks. the middle ceramic coil is made of precise ceramic and matched with high-speed bearing. the groove is polished to ra0.2. baffles in both sides can prevent the enameled wire to jump out of the groove during winding and the winding tension can be maintained in a stable manner. or, whole ceramic is combined with high-speed bearing, which is called ceramic roller and is applicable for wire or rolling of various winding machines and textile machinery. |